Creating buyer persona for impactful content marketing

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7 min read

Understanding your audience lies at the core of effective content marketing. It's not just about numbers; it's about people, their needs, and their stories. 

Today, where attention is scarce and competition is fierce, creating content that resonates with your target audience is not a choice but a necessity.

One of the most powerful tools in a content marketer's arsenal is the user or buyer persona – a detailed representation of who your customer is. 

Buyer personas are not just fictional characters; they are the embodiment of your audience segments.

Just look at the Google trends for the “buyer persona” search term over the past 10 years. It shows increasing interest, with current interest being at an all-time high.


In general, buyer persona representations encapsulate the below things in providing a comprehensive understanding of your audience. 

  • Demographics 
  • Day-to-day lifestyle 
  • Spending habits 
  • Hobbies and interests 
  • Common objections or challenges 
  • Pain points or frustrations or biggest fears 
  • Goals 
  • Role - decision maker or decision influencer 
  • Where can you find them online?

What happens when you misalign with your buyers?

You create generic and unfocused content

When businesses neglect to create buyer personas, their content becomes generic, aiming to please everyone and ending up resonating with no one. This lack of focus results in diluted messaging that fails to engage the audience effectively. Without a clear understanding of who their audience is, businesses risk creating content that lacks direction and purpose.

Marketing strategies are misaligned

A significant problem arises when marketing strategies are not aligned with the actual needs and preferences of the target audience. Businesses might invest resources in platforms or mediums that do not resonate with their potential customers, leading to wasted efforts and resources. Misaligned strategies often stem from a lack of insights derived from detailed persona analysis.

Communication with customers becomes ineffective

Communication is the foundation of any successful business. When personas are not in place or are outdated, businesses struggle to communicate effectively. Whether it's the language used, the channels selected, or the timing of the messages, without personas, businesses are essentially shooting in the dark. This lack of precision can lead to missed opportunities and decreased customer engagement.

Product is developed in a poor way

Understanding your audience is crucial not only for marketing but also for product development. Without accurate personas, businesses might create products or services that do not meet the actual needs of their customers. This can result in a mismatch between what the business offers and what the market demands, leading to low sales, unhappy customers, and potentially damaging the brand's reputation.

Deep down you resist change and stagnate

Once personas are created, they are not set in stone. Markets evolve, customer preferences change, and new trends emerge. Businesses that do not regularly update their personas risk falling behind. Stagnation sets in, and the company becomes resistant to change, hindering its ability to adapt to the dynamic market landscape. Regular persona updates are vital to staying ahead of the competition and maintaining relevance.

Creating a buyer persona for better content marketing

To create effective buyer personas, you need reliable data. Surveys, customer interviews, and social media insights are invaluable resources. 

"Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart." 

- Joe Chernov

Understanding your customers’ interests, needs, feelings, and experiences is key to creating relatable content.

Creating effective buyer personas is not a shot in the dark; it's a structured process rooted in understanding your audience deeply. Here's a step-by-step guide to employing research tactics for persona creation: 

Step 1: Define your goals and questions

Begin by defining clear objectives. What do you want to know about your audience? What specific questions do you need answers to? Having a well-defined goal will guide your research in the right direction. 

Step 2: Conduct comprehensive surveys

Surveys are versatile tools for gathering quantitative data. Design clear, concise surveys with targeted questions about demographics, preferences, challenges, and interests. Utilise online survey platforms to reach a wide audience. Offer incentives, like discounts or free resources, to encourage participation.

Step 3: Interview your customers

In-depth interviews provide qualitative insights. Identify a diverse range of existing customers and potential prospects. Prepare open-ended questions focusing on their experiences, pain points, and aspirations. Conduct these interviews in person, over the phone, or through video calls for a personal touch.

Step 4: Leverage social media insights

Social media platforms offer a goldmine of information. Use analytics tools provided by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Analyse user interactions, comments, and shares to understand what content resonates most. Pay attention to the language and tone users use; it reflects their preferences and attitudes.

Step 5: Analyse website analytics

Your website analytics can reveal a wealth of information. Study user behaviour, including pages they visit, time spent on each page, and actions. Identify the most popular content and the conversion paths. This data helps in understanding which topics and offerings engage your audience the most.

Step 6: Utilise customer support interactions

Customer support interactions, including emails, chats, and phone calls, often contain valuable insights. Analyse common queries, complaints, and feedback. These interactions provide a window into the challenges your audience faces and the solutions they seek.

Step 7: Identify patterns and trends

After collecting data, identify patterns and trends. Look for commonalities in preferences, behaviours, and pain points among different respondents. These patterns will help you group your audience into distinct personas.

Step 8: Create persona profiles

Based on your analysis, create detailed persona profiles. Each persona should represent a specific segment of your audience, complete with demographics, interests, goals, challenges, and preferred communication channels. Give each persona a name and a face; this humanises them and makes it easier for your team to relate to them. 

Step 9: Validate and refine

Once you've created personas, validate them with real customers. Seek feedback to ensure your personas accurately represent your audience. Be open to refining your personas based on new data and changing market dynamics.

Persona creation is an iterative process. Regularly update your personas to reflect the evolving needs and preferences of your audience. 

How Airbnb utilises buyer personas in content marketing

One notable example of effective buyer persona utilisation in content marketing is Airbnb – the global online aggregator for stay and travel experiences. They have mastered the art of tailoring their content to specific buyer personas, ensuring a more engaging and relevant user experience.

Airbnb utilises extensive data to create detailed personas of both hosts and guests. For hosts, they understand their motivations, whether it’s earning extra income or sharing their passion for hospitality. For guests, they delve into travel preferences, ranging from budget-conscious travellers to luxury seekers. This nuanced understanding allows Airbnb to curate content that speaks directly to these personas. 

For example, they might feature budget-friendly accommodation options for frugal travellers while highlighting exclusive, high-end properties for luxury enthusiasts.

Whether it's blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, Airbnb ensures that their content resonates deeply with different segments of their audience. This targeted approach not only enhances customer engagement but also significantly contributes to Airbnb’s brand loyalty and global success.

Empathy is the key in content marketing

Personas are your compass in the vast sea of content creation. They dictate the tone, style, and messaging of your content. 

"Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue."

- Andrew Davis

Tailor your content formats – be it blogs, videos, or podcasts – to align with your personas' preferences. This alignment creates a deeper connection with your audience, fostering trust and loyalty. 

In the realm of content marketing, empathy is your most potent weapon. It transforms raw data into compelling narratives that touch hearts and minds. Empathy is not just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of successful content marketing. As you delve into the world of personas, remember that every data point represents a person, a story, and an opportunity to connect. By understanding your audience deeply, you're not just creating content; you're crafting experiences that leave a lasting impact.
